Friday, December 11, 2015


As a friend, an INTJ is loyal – they do not betray and they do not remain friends with those who do. Despite this loyalty, they are rather emotionally restricted, sometimes coming across as cold, distant, and analytical. INTJs are “intensely private and likely to deflect personal questions.”[1] Indeed, they are almost the coldest of the personalities. They will always avoid emotional situations if they possibly can. INTJs have the ability to shut their emotions off, by distancing themselves until they are practically inaccessible. Trying to manipulate the emotions of an INTJ is a terrible idea, as they will realize what is happening and react with distance and contempt. Since female INTJs are the same as males in this, it means they are often accused of being unfeeling and manly. Relationships are approached in a rational way, and they are stable, reliable, and dedicated. An INTJ is generally terrible at flirting, small talk, and generally the little things for building a relationship.
They are steered by logic – if something makes sense, they will follow it; if not, they will not. Authority must be logical, as must things such as slogans if they are to be adopted. INTJs follow rules that are useful. They are independent to the extreme, in action and thought. They also tend to do well in school, often working alone or in groups of similar people. Some of this is no doubt because they do well with organizing and putting in order, though the order may not make sense to anyone else. Indeed, they are one of the highest ranking personality types in terms of GPA.[2]
                INTJs are concerned first and foremost with their own personal performance. They set goals for themselves and do not waste time in reaching their objectives. They tend to stay in the background, but can lead when no one else is stepping up. They are very self-confident, more-so than most types, knowing well their own limits and abilities, and usually “having developed a very strong will.”[3] In addition, they are demanding of themselves and others, expecting full effort and performance. They are constantly looking for ways to make things more efficient. An INTJ often makes decisions naturally and easily, seeming tough-minded and sometime stubborn. They will debate simply for the sake of debating.
                An INTJ speaks in sarcasm, and is amused by bad attempts to be politically correct and similar things. However, their sense of humor is strong. They often have obsessions with skills or hobbies, but these don’t usually last forever, only for a period. They generally seem to be quiet, but if you bring up a topic with which they are obsessed, they can talk your ear off with accurate information.
                They naturally analyze everything and everyone. They tend to be naturally suspicious of everyone. INTJs are always analyzing themselves, finding ways to improve and develop.
INTJ Specs –
                INTJs – reform the world. The Strategist. The Mastermind.
                Real life INTJs – Noah (the Bible – long range planner); Isaac Newton (physicist); Karl Marx (philosopher); Friedrich Nietzsche (philosopher); Nikola Tesla (inventor); Stephen Hawking (physicist); John Adams (US President); Martin Luther (theologian); Vladimir Lenin (dictator of the Soviet Union); Russell Crowe (actor); Julia Stiles (actress); Colin Firth (actor).
                Fictional INTJs – Mr. Gold aka Rumplestilskin (Once Upon a Time); Gandalf and the Necromancer (Hobbit); Mrs. O’Brien (Downton Abbey); Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice); Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter); Belle (Beauty and the Beast); Magneto and Daredevil (Marvel); Pepper Potts (Iron Man); Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes – original, great drive, can focus in depth, skeptical); Elrond (Lord of the Rings); Enjorlas (Les Miserables); Batman (Batman); Jethro Leroy Gibbs (NCIS); Kate Beckett (Castle).
                Presidential INTJs – Thomas Jefferson, James Polk, Chester Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy.
                Prayer of the INTJ – “Lord, help me be open to others’ ideas, WRONG though they may be!”
                First impression of the INTJ – Machine.
                General impression of the INTJ – System, strategy, insight, ambition, dominating yet quiet; big picture and confidence; generally right; analytical, innovative, problem solver, leader; independent; seeking knowledge and inner perfection.
                Honest stereotype of the INTJ – 50% standoffishness, 50% being right all the time, 100% better than you.
                You say potato, INTJ says… “I have a strategy to make mashed potatoes fluffier, for better yield and increased profit.”
                Dessert personality for the INTJ – Tiramisu – original, driven, complex, and layered. Have high expectations of yourself and others. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
                Quote for the INTJ – “There is always room for improvement, you know – it’s the biggest room in the house.” – Louise Heath Leber
                Percentage of INTJ in Men vs. Women – 3.3% of men versus 0.9% of women - 2.1% of the total population.

[1] “16 Personalities,” accessed July 9, 2015,
[2] “Truity,” accessed July 9, 2015,
[3] David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II, (Del Mar: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company, 1998), page 200.

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